Thursday 31 January 2019

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Pat’s 4-Ingredient Paleo Crackers

Ambitious Kitchen
Pat’s 4-Ingredient Paleo Crackers
Thu, 31 Jan 2019 10:00:00 +0000
Paleo crackers made with almond flour! You’ll only need 4 ingredients for these delicious, protein packed low carb crackers. Plus we’ve got 5 different flavor variations for you to try.

Paleo crackers made with almond flour! You’ll only need 4 ingredients for these deliciously crispy protein-packed low carb crackers. Plus we’ve got 5 different flavor variations for you to try! Hello it’s me, Abra! In case we haven’t met yet, I’m the Ambitious Kitchen Brand Manager, and you can read everything you need to know [...]

The post Pat’s 4-Ingredient Paleo Crackers appeared first on Ambitious Kitchen.

from Merah Hati Cintaku

36 Hours in St. Moritz


from Merah Hati Cintaku

Tips for Traveling Cheaply in Any City


from Merah Hati Cintaku

Tsukemono – Shiozuke (Salt Pickling) 塩漬け

Tsukemono in a Japanese ceramic.

Shiozuke is the simplest Japanese pickle – Tsukemono. All you need is salt, water, and fresh seasonal vegetables. Try this pickle today to serve with your Japanese steamed rice and miso soup!

Tsukemono in Japanese ceramic.

Shiozuke (塩漬け), literally salt (shio) pickling (zuke), is the most basic type of Japanese pickles known collectively as tsukemono (漬物). Salt pickles were first produced in ancient times as a means of preserving food, and over the years became an important part of the basic Japanese meal. If you’re interested in learning more about different types of tsukemono, read Tsukemono: A Guide to Japanese Pickles on my blog.

Tsukemono has several types based on the pickling agent:

  • Shiozuke (塩漬け) – salt
  • Suzuke (酢漬け) – vinegar
  • Amazuzuke (甘酢漬け) – sugar and vinegar
  • Misozuke (味噌漬け) – miso
  • Shoyuzuke (醤油漬け) – soy sauce
  • Kasuzuke (粕漬け) – sake kasu (lees)
  • Shiokojizuke (塩麹) – rice koji/mold-cultured rice
  • Nukazuke (糠漬け) – nuka (rice bran)
  • Karashizuke (からし漬け) – Japanese hot mustard karashi
  • Satozuke (砂糖漬け) – sugar

I will try to go over one by one at a different time, but today let’s talk about Shiozuke.

Watch How to Make Shiozuke



What is Shiozuke?

Shiozuke (塩漬け) is tsukemono made with just salt and vegetables. Therefore, the amount of salt used for the brine and the pickling time make the difference in the final dish. When it’s done right, tsukemono is simply delicious.

Shiozuke not only prevents the food from going bad, but also helps break down the fibers, keeps the vibrant color, and tenderizes any tough vegetables that could be hard to eat raw. It also adds umami to the vegetables.

Tsukemono in mason jars.

Shiozuke Basic Brine

The basic brine that I learned from a Tsukemono book, Honkaku Tsukemono written by a culinary & tsukemono expert Takako Yokoyama, is 10%. That means 100 grams of sea salt in 1000 grams/ml of water (I love metric!).

For those of you who don’t use metric, it means 6 tablespoons of sea salt (16 g per tbsp) for every 4 cups water.

In general, the ratio of salt to water for Shiozuke is 2 to 10%. It’s quite a large range, but as I mentioned earlier, the amount of salt and pickle time is up to one’s preference.

When you pickle vegetables in the light brine for a short period of time, this method is called Asazuke (浅漬け), literally “shallow pickling.” Asazuke doesn’t develop deep flavors that fermented pickles do, yet the result tastes wonderfully refreshing. Since it is easy to make, Asazuke frequently appears in our daily dinner table.

  • Shiozuke: 5 to 10% brine, pickle for 6 to 12 hours, enjoy in 3 to 4 days.
  • Asazuke (quick pickling): 2 to 5% brine, pickle for 2 to 3 hours, enjoy in 1 to 2 days.

Today I make my Shiozuke with 5% brine and pickle for 8 hours.

Vegetables in a bamboo basket.

2 Simple Ingredients You Need to Make Shiozuke

1. Vegetables to pickle

The best choice is seasonal vegetables because they are fresh, easy to get, and at an affordable price. You can taste the freshness through the pickling process when you use fresh vegetables. The common vegetables include:

  • Eggplant – longer, thinner, and smaller Japanese/Chinese/Italian kind
  • Cucumber – short, skinny, and smaller Japanese/Persian kind
  • Daikon radish – green-top, long, thick Japanese/Korean kind
  • Carrot
  • Celery

You can make Shiozuke with a wide variety of vegetables. In this recipe, I made a colorful batch of Shiozuke with above 5 different vegetables. You can, of course, choose to make with less or more vegetables. For first-timers, I’d recommend following my pickling time indicated in the recipe, which is 8 hours, then you could adjust the brine and timing in your next batch.

If you want to pickle leafy vegetables (napa cabbage, cabbage, greens, etc), I recommend Asazuke (quick pickling) with 2-5% brine.

2. Salt

I like to go with the traditional method; use natural sea salt when you make tsukemono, and not table salt.

Sea salt is produced through evaporation of ocean water or water from saltwater lakes, usually with little processing. This leaves behind certain trace minerals and elements, which add flavor and color to sea salt.

On the other hand, table salt is typically mined from underground salt deposits, is more heavily processed to eliminate minerals, and usually contains an additive to prevent clumping. If you’re interested in the different types of salt, read this article.

Additional mix-ins (optional)

In this recipe, I decided to keep it basic; however, we can make different variations of Shiozuke with the additional ingredients.  You can include:

  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Kombu
  • Red chili pepper
  • Yuzu zest (you can use other types of citrus)

Tsukemono served in Japanese ceramic.

3 Tools You Need to Make Shiozuke

1. Kitchen Scale

I understand that it’s not common to have a kitchen scale in the American household, but now that you want to make tsukemono, it’s very important to measure 1) the total weight of the vegetables you’re going to pickle, 2) the weight of sea salt, and 3) the heavy object you put on top of the vegetables.

This kitchen scale that I use in my recipes is $15 on Amazon and I have it for a long time. I usually use the gram measurement for my baking and other traditional Japanese recipes; therefore, I highly recommend getting one now if you like to follow recipes precisely.

2. Containers

You will need slightly deeper containers with lids so you can put the vegetables, brine, plates, and weights. I like to use glass containers than plastic ones so the smell doesn’t retain. I do not have a special pickle press for tsukemono (tsukemono-ki 漬物器), but you can use it if you have one.

3. Weights (Stone Weights)

You will need something heavy to apply downward pressure on top of the pickles. You can use several plates, pie weights in a plastic bag, clean rock, etc. Traditionally, the pressure is generated by heavy stones called tsukemono-ishi (stone) (漬物石) with a weight of 1-2 kg.

The ideal weight to put on the vegetable is between 1.5 and 2 times of the weight of pre-pickled vegetable. So make sure to weigh the vegetables before you soak in the brine.

Lastly, don’t forget to prepare a plate that you would place under the heavy object inside the container in order to distribute the weight equally on the vegetables.

Tsukemono in mason jars.

My Recommendations and Some Tips

  • My favorite Shiozuke: 5% brine, pickle for 8 hours, enjoy in 3-4 days; and 10% brine, pickle for 5 hours, enjoy for 5 days.
  • If you are going to serve tsukemono for tonight’s dinner, consider making Asazuke (quick pickling).
  • Again, get a kitchen scale (I use this $15 one).
  • Decide to pickle whole or cut pieces. The way you cut vegetables affects the finishing time and texture of tsukemono. If you cut the vegetables to create more surface, pickling is done faster than pickled as a whole or cut in half or quarters.
  • Re-use the leftover brine for your next pickling. Once in a while, it’s good to let the brine boil again and add more salt as needed.
  • Make the brine previous day. The brine has to be at room temperature. When I first made shiozuke, I was impatient as my brine didn’t cool fast enough. In winter (like now), you can keep the pot of your brine outside to cool faster. In summer, make the brine ahead of time, so you don’t have to sit around and wait for it to cool.
  • Set a timer for removing vegetables from brine. I sometimes forget and end up with salty vegetables!

What to Serve with Shiozuke

With a crunchy texture and refreshing flavor, Shiozuke is definitely one of the easiest ways to enjoy vegetables. For a quick dinner, I often serve these pickled vegetables as a side with steamed rice and miso soup and I’d add along with a protein dish like Miso Butter Salmon or Ginger Pork. On a cold day, you can serve the pickled vegetables with okayu (rice porridge). It could not be any simpler, healthy and full of flavor.

Tsukemono in a Japanese ceramic.

Japanese Ingredient Substitution: If you want to look for substitutes for Japanese condiments and ingredients, click here.

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Tsukemono – Shiozuke (Salt Pickling)

Shiozuke is the simplest Japanese pickle – Tsukemono. All you need is salt, water, and fresh seasonal vegetables. Try this pickle today to serve with your Japanese steamed rice and miso soup!

Vegetables to Pickle

  • 3 Japanese/Chinese eggplant ((Use Lucky Iron Fish to retain the color: See Notes))
  • 5 Persian/Japanese cucumbers
  • 1 daikon radish
  • 5 celeries
  • 2 carrots


  • 1000 ml water
  • 20-100 g sea salt ((for 2 to 10% brine))
  1. Gather all the ingredients. Also, prepare a clean container with a lid for each vegetable. You can also put all vegetables (except for eggplants) in one big container.

Measure the Weight (Important!)

  1. Decide the amount of salt you want to use and weigh the salt (Please read the blog post). This recipe is 5% brine (50 grams of sea salt in 1000 grams/ml of water) and made double batch (100 grams of sea salt in 2000 grams/ml of water) as I used a lot of vegetables to demonstrate.

  2. Weigh each vegetable you’re pickling and write down the number. At the next step, you’ll need to find out the weight of the heavy objects to put on the vegetables.

  3. Figure out which heavy object to use. Make sure to include the plate that goes under the heavy object. The total weight (object + plate) needs to be 1.5 to 2 times of the total vegetable weight. You can use several plates, pie weights in a plastic bag, etc.

Prepare the Brine

  1. Put the measured water and sea salt in the pot and let the salt dissolved completely over medium heat. You do not need to let it boil. You can turn off the heat once it’s warm and salt is completely dissolved. Let cool. Tip: In winter, it’s fast if you put the pot outside (leaving the lid slightly ajar). In summer, make the brine the previous day.

Cut the Vegetable (If Necessary)

  1. Eggplants: Cut off the end of eggplants. When you are making Asazuke (quick pickles), cut the eggplant in half or cut a slit vertically about half the length in the eggplant to let the salt brine absorb. Otherwise, you don’t need to cut the eggplants. Place them in the container. Tip: To prevent the beautiful eggplants from discoloring, I used ‘Lucky Iron Fish’ – a cooking tool that retains colors and adds iron to foods. It is optional but worth investing especially if you need more iron in your diet. (See Notes).
  2. Cucumbers: You don’t need to cut. Place them in the container.
  3. Daikon radish: Peel and cut in half or quarters vertically depending on its size. Place them in the container.
  4. Celeries: Remove the leafy parts and cut into the length that would fit in the container. Place them in the container.
  5. Carrots: Peel and cut into the length that would fit in the container. Place them in the container.

To Pickle

  1. Eggplants: Pour the brine until they are submerged.

  2. Place a plate on top of the vegetable, and then put a weight on the plate. You can use plates and pie weights. Make sure the vegetables are completely submerged. Place a lid on and close tightly.
  3. Cucumbers:
  4. Daikon radish:
  5. Celeries:
  6. Carrots:

Pickling Time

  1. Keep the tsukemono at room temperature for best pickling. For my 5% brine, the best pickling time 8 hours. Tip: Pickling time varies depending on vegetables. Please read the blog post.

To Take Out and Serve

  1. Remove the eggplants and Lucky Iron Fish from the brine and transfer to a clean airtight container or resealable plastic bag. 

  2. Remove other vegetables from the brine and transfer to a clean airtight container. 

To Serve

  1. Cut the tsukemono into slices when you are ready to serve.

  2. Serve on a plate and enjoy!

To Store

  1. With 5% brine, you can keep the shiozuke in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. Do not cut the tsukemono into slices until you are ready to serve.

Reuse of the Leftover Brine

  1. You can reuse the brine for up to a month. You may need to add more salt as the brine will become less salty.  Also, it’s good to boil the brine to keep it germ-free.

Lucky Iron Fish: You can purchase it on Amazon.  I also use ‘Lucky Iron Fish’ when I make Kuromame


Recipe by Namiko Chen of Just One Cookbook. All images and content on this site are copyright protected. Please do not use my images without my permission. If you’d like to share this recipe on your site, please re-write the recipe in your own words and link to this post as the original source. Thank you.

from Merah Hati Cintaku

Wednesday 30 January 2019

Istiadat Pertabalan Yang di Pertuan Agong ke 16

10 Best Vegetarian Tacos Recipes

A Couple Cooks
10 Best Vegetarian Tacos Recipes
Wed, 30 Jan 2019 06:00:24 PST

Vegetarian tacos are one of the most delicious ways to eat vegetables! Here’s how to make tacos and our 10 best tacos recipes.

Loaded Quinoa Tacos | Best vegetarian tacos recipes

Whether you’re looking to eat more vegetables or eat plant based on the regular, vegan and vegetarian tacos are one of the most delicious ways to do it! The tortilla is the perfect canvas for vegetable deliciousness. You can go straight up authentic with Mexican flavors, or branch into a fusion taco with flavors taking cues from Thai or Korean elements.

All of our 10 best vegetarian tacos below are not considered “authentic” or traditional tacos: they’re plays on the concept of delicious flavors and textures inside a tortilla. Keep reading for how to make tacos, and our 10 best vegan and vegetarian tacos recipes!

How to make tacos

Everyone makes tacos differently, but there are a few elements that are key to how to make a delicious taco:

Use a well-seasoned “main” element: Tacos aren’t just about meat. For vegetarian tacos, there are lots of proteins to feature: beans, lentils, cauliflower or mushrooms, tofu, etc. It’s key that the main element is seasoned to perfection.Accessorize with contrasting colors, flavors and textures: Tacos are all about contrast. Use other elements to contrast the main element: crunchy vegetables like a cabbage and pepper slaw, and a salsa or a creamy sauce like a chipotle drizzle.Don’t fill too full: One taco faux pas is that they’re filled too much. Use just enough of the ingredients so that you can taste each of them, and also it doesn’t overflow.Char your tortillas! Charring your tortillas warms them and adds a delicious charred flavor. You can do this if you have a gas range. Place a tortilla on the grates above an open gas flame on medium heat for a few seconds per side, flipping with tongs, until they are slightly blackened and warm. (If you don’t have a gas stove, here are a few other ways to warm your tortillas.) And now, our vegan & vegetarian tacos recipes!

Note: All taco recipes below either are vegan or can be customized to be vegan with the substitutes listed in the recipe, except for the Tacos Rancheros.

Crispy Cauliflower Tacos with Yum Yum Sauce
Cauliflower Tacos | Best vegetarian tacos recipes

First up in our best vegetarian tacos: our Crispy Cauliflower Tacos! They star our crispy breaded cauliflower (baked, not fried), which are reminiscent of the texture of fish tacos. Add to that refried beans and silky Yum Yum Sauce and they’re all about one thing: big flavor!

Loaded Quinoa Tacos
Loaded Quinoa Tacos | Best vegetarian tacos recipes

These vegetarian tacos are a bit outside the box, since the filling is made of quinoa! The quinoa filling is toasted and filled with taco spices and lime. Then combine it with a bell pepper slaw, spicy sour cream, and feta cheese, and you’ve got a new level of delicious. Oh and
pickled red onions for color and crunch!(

BBQ Bean Tacos with Pineapple Salsa
BBQ Bean Tacos with Pineapple Salsa | Best vegetarian tacos recipes

These plant-based BBQ bean tacos with pineapple salsa are a delicious fast and easy dinner recipe! They’re on the table in less than 30 minutes. These vegetarian tacos contrast barbecue-flavored pinto beans with a tangy pineapple salsa made with red onion, cilantro and lime.

Instant Pot Tacos with Smoky Lentils
Instant Pot Tacos with Smoky Lentils | Best vegetarian tacos recipes

Got an Instant Pot? These vegetarian tacos feature our delicious Instant Pot smoky lentils and rice, which cook up together into a meaty, savory mix. Top with a rainbow of veggies, salsa, and crunchy romaine, and you’re in business!

*Don’t have an Instant Pot? Try our Stovetop Lentil Tacos instead!

Refried Bean Tacos with Chipotle Tahini Sauce
Refried Bean Tacos with Chipotle Cashew Cream | Best vegetarian tacos recipes

One of our favorite vegetarian tacos recipe features our supremely simple black beans, simmered in olive oil for 15 minutes until they’re silky and garlicky. Pair that with a tangy cabbage and bell pepper slaw and the pièce de résistance: our creamy Chipotle Cashew Cream sauce.

Grilled Mango Tacos with Dream Sauce Grilled Mango Tacos with Dream Sauce | Best vegetarian tacos recipes

Here’s an interesting take on vegetarian tacos: grilled mango tacos! These feature strips of grilled mango, nestled in a tortilla with refried black beans. Then top with our Mango Dream Sauce, a creamy green sauce that also stars…mangos!

“Verde” Lentil Vegan Tacos
Verde Lentil Vegan Tacos | Best vegetarian tacos recipes

These vegetarian tacos have a special theme, and it’s a color: green! These “verde” vegan tacos are full of fresh flavors, featuring green lentils, green cabbage, and a bright green cilantro drizzle. Celebrate verde!

Spiced Chickpea Tacos with Avocado Cream
Spiced Chickpea Tacos with Avocado Cream | Best vegetarian tacos recipes | How to make tacos

Chickpeas are the center of these vegetarian tacos! They’re spiced with a dose of delicious: smoked paprika, garlic powder, oregano, onion powder, and cumin. Top it off with a light green creamy avocado sauce and you’re in taco heaven!

Tacos Rancheros
Tacos rancheros | How to make tacos | Best vegetarian tacos

This rancheros tacos recipe transforms the Mexican standard into egg tacos! A delicious huevos rancheros sauce covers the runny eggs, topped with queso fresco. (Per above, these are the only vegetarian tacos that don’t convert to vegan with substitutes.)

Baked Tofu Tacos with Chipotle Tahini Sauce
Best vegetarian tacos recipes | Baked tofu tacos | How to make tacos

And to round out our vegetarian tacos recipes: tofu tacos! These baked tofu tacos are a filling vegan main dish. Marinated baked tofu is nestled in a tortilla with a creamy chipotle tahini drizzle.

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Loaded Quinoa Tacos | Quinoa taco filling | Vegetarian taco recipe
10 Best Vegetarian Tacos Recipes

1 Star (No Ratings Yet)

Author: Sonja

Vegetarian tacos are one of the most delicious ways to eat vegetables! Here’s how to make tacos and our 10 best tacos recipes.

A Couple Cooks - Healthy, Whole Food, Vegetarian Recipes

Cookie and Kate
Thai Panang Curry with Vegetables
Tue, 29 Jan 2019 23:50:31 +0000

best panang curry recipe

Have you had panang curry yet? Panang curry is a rich and creamy, spicy yet balanced, peanutty coconut sauce.

I make my panang curry with lots of bell peppers and carrots, and optional tofu for extra protein. It’s a perfectly satisfying weeknight meal for cold days.

panang curry ingredients

Panang is one of my favorite Thai curries, right up there with red curry and green curry. If you haven’t ordered it at your favorite Thai restaurant yet, you’ve been missing out!

Continue to the recipe...

The post Thai Panang Curry with Vegetables appeared first on Cookie and Kate.

How to Make Crispy Baked Tofu
Tue, 29 Jan 2019 20:49:09 +0000

crispy baked tofu recipe

Let’s talk about tofu! Even as a vegetarian, I don’t eat a ton of it. When I do, however, I want it crispy, and crispy tofu is an elusive beast. I’ve shared this method here and here, but I’ve gotten such fantastic feedback that I wanted to highlight it.

Even tofu skeptics love this tofu. Try it, and you will see!

how to slice tofu

Tips for Irresistibly Crispy Tofu 1) Choose the right kind of tofu.

Extra-firm tofu is the only way to go, and I’ve found that the Trader Joe’s brand is the most firm of them all (plus, it’s only two dollars). It’s organic, too, which is important when you’re buying tofu because soy is conventionally treated with fertilizers, herbicides and insecticides. Look for tofu in the refrigerated section by the produce.

2) Squeeze out as much moisture as possible.

Water-logged tofu never gets super crispy. The key here is to slice the tofu into pieces before pressing it. Have you ever tried pressing a whole block, or even two halves? They just sit in soggy puddles. Slice them into smaller pieces to maximize the surface area. Press those, and you’ll extract more moisture—faster, too.

Continue to the recipe...

The post How to Make Crispy Baked Tofu appeared first on Cookie and Kate.

from Merah Hati Cintaku

Biodata Tengku Mahkota Pahang

PEKAN - Berikut adalah biodata rasmi Tengku Mahkota Pahang, Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Alam Shah Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah yang dikeluarkan oleh Istana Abu Bakar di sini hari ini.

Tengku Hassanal telah diputerakan pada 17 September 1995 di Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA) Kuantan.


2002 - 2005 : Sekolah Kebangsaan Saint Thomas, Kuantan, Pahang
2006 - 2009 : Caldiccott Preparatory School, London, United Kingdom
2009 - 2014 : Sherbone School, London, United Kingdom
2015 - 2018 : University Institute- Geneva School Of Diplomacy and International Relations
                       Bachelor of Arts In International Relations 
27 September 2018 : Initial Cadet Familiarisation Training Programme, Kem Batu 10, Pekan 
1 Jan 2019 - 14 Dis 2019 : Commisioning Course,  Royal Military Academy Sandhurst


31 Oktober 2018 - Pegawai kadet Angkatan Tentera Malaysia


Pada 18 Jun 2018 telah dilantik menjadi Yang Amat Mulia Tengku Panglima Besar Pahang di Pejabat Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Resam Melayu Pahang (MUIP).


Tengku Hassanal amat meminati bidang sukan. Pada 25 Jun 2016, Tengku Hassanal telah mengikuti acara perlawanan amal yang dinamakan The Jerudong Park Polo Trophy bersama HRH Prince William Duke of Cambridge dan HRH Prince Harry di Cirencester Park Polo, England. Turut berangkat sama menyaksikan perlawanan adalah Sultan Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah.

Selain meminati sukan berkuda polo, Tengku Hassanal juga meminati sukan lain seperti ragbi, bola sepak, golf, menembak, dan sukan rakyat.


 Yang Mulia Tengku Amir Nasser Ibni Sultan Abdullah 

Yang Mulia Tengku Puteri Iman Afzan binti Sultan Abdullah

Yang Mulia Puteri Ilisha Ameera binti Sultan Abdullah

Yang Mulia Tengku Puteri Ilyana binti Sultan Abdullah

Yang Mulia Tengku Muhammad Iskandar Ri'ayatuddin Shah Ibni Sultan Abdullah

Yang Mulia Tengku Ahmad Ismail Muadzam Shah Ibni Sultan Abdullah

Yang Mulia Tengku Puteri Afzan Aminah Hafizatullah binti Sultan Abdullah

Yang Mulia Tengku Puteri Jihan Azizah 'Athiyatullah binti Sultan Abdullah 


1. Persatuan Muay Thai Pahang (Penaung Diraja) - Bernama

from Sehinggit Media News

from Merah Hati Cintaku

Sri Lanka, an Island Nation That Is Best Savored Slowly


from Merah Hati Cintaku

By Unknown Author from NYT Travel

from Merah Hati Cintaku

Banjir dan ribut landa Madinah, Arab Saudi : Sekolah dan jalanraya ditutup

Tuesday 29 January 2019

USA kini beku dilanda Polar vorteks, lebih sejuk daripada Antartika dan Alaska

3 cara buat duit secara online, mesti buat sampai jadi!

It’s Getting Very, Very, Very Cold Outside. Time to Run Away.


from Merah Hati Cintaku

Crispy Cauliflower Tacos with Yum Yum Sauce

A Couple Cooks
Crispy Cauliflower Tacos with Yum Yum Sauce
Tue, 29 Jan 2019 06:01:03 PST

These cauliflower tacos with breaded cauliflower, refried beans and silky Yum Yum sauce are all about one thing: big flavor!

Cauliflower Tacos | Easy Cauliflower Tacos

Behold the taco. Canvas for all kinds of deliciousness, from traditional like barbacoa with tomatillo salsa to fusion like Korean beef or Thai tofu. Most of the time Alex and I eat a whole food plant based diet, so we’re always looking for creative ways to use veggies. And the taco is the perfect canvas for creating some insane veggie flavors and textures! And this one is our new favorite: these Crispy Cauliflower Tacos.

How often do you eat tacos? Do you go for traditional, or fusion style?

Cauliflower Tacos | Easy Cauliflower TacosEating lots of veggies

A new study came out recently called the EAT-Lancet Study that talks about how eating more plants and a little less meat is better for the planet. It’s also a little better for our personal health, too. Alex and I started eating this way about 10 years ago when we read a book called Food Matters by Mark Bittman. So, this is becoming more and more of a theme in research and media.

The upside to all of this is: eating lots of veggies has never been more exciting and creative! Because of the internet, we have access to all sorts of ideas for eating vegetables stemming from cuisines from around the world. And access to literally millions of recipes. Eating your vegetables has never tasted so good.

Cauliflower Tacos | Easy Cauliflower Tacos How to make cauliflower tacos

OK, on to this recipe! We have a delicious cauliflower tacos recipe in our cookbook, Pretty Simple Cooking, but we’ve never posted one here on A Couple Cooks. So here goes: the star of these easy cauliflower tacos is our Crispy Breaded Cauliflower. It’s roasted in the oven and covered in a savory, salty, sweet and lightly spicy breading. It’s a bit of a play on breaded fish tacos (though of course the flavor is quite different!).

Accessorize that with some refried black beans, tart cabbage slaw, and cilantro. (We used canned refried beans, but you can also make our homemade version.) Then cover it all in a delicious sauce: this Yum Yum Sauce recipe. Yum Yum Sauce is used in Japanese steakhouses and served with seafood, but here we’ve used it as a bit of a “fusion” element to accessorize with this vegetarian taco recipe. It’s so, so tasty and adds a richness to the tacos that’s incredible. It’s certainly not a health food in itself, but a little goes a long way here!

If you’d like to make a different sauce from the Yum Yum Sauce for these cauliflower tacos (there’s a vegan variation in that sauce recipe), here are a few more ideas for delicious taco sauces that would be great here:

Avocado creamCilantro drizzle (vegan)Chipotle tahini sauce (vegan)Cilantro yogurtCauliflower Tacos | Easy Cauliflower TacosLooking for more vegan & vegetarian tacos?

Outside of these crispy cauliflower tacos, here are a few of our favorite vegan and vegetarian tacos recipes:

Loaded Quinoa TacosInstant Pot Tacos with Smoky LentilsGrilled Mango Tacos with Dream Sauce“Verde” Lentil Vegan TacosSpiced Chickpea Tacos with Avocado CreamRefried Bean Tacos with Chipotle Tahini SauceBBQ Bean Tacos with Pineapple SalsaCarrot & Chickpea Tacos with Cilantro YogurtBaked Tofu Tacos with Chipotle Tahini SauceLoaded Huevos Rancheros TacosVegetarian Lentil TacosCauliflower Tacos | Easy Cauliflower TacosThis recipe is…

This crispy cauliflower tacos recipe is vegetarian, gluten-free, refined sugar free, and naturally sweet. For vegan, plant-based, and dairy-free, use the vegan Yum Yum Sauce variation or the Chipotle Tahini Sauce.

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Cauliflower Tacos | Easy Cauliflower Tacos
Crispy Cauliflower Tacos

1 Star (1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 1)

5 from 1 reviews

Author: Sonja Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 30 minutes Total Time: 40 minutes Yield: 8 Category: Main Dish Method: Baked Cuisine: Mexican Inspired

These cauliflower tacos with breaded cauliflower, refried beans and silky Yum Yum sauce are all about one thing: big flavor!

Ingredients 1 recipe Crispy Breaded Cauliflower15-ounce can vegetarian refried beans (or Supremely Simple Refried Black Beans) 1/2 teaspoon cumin 2 cups red cabbage, shredded 2 limes (1 for the cabbage & 1 to serve) 3 tablespoons Yum Yum Sauce (use vegan mayo or substitute Chipotle Tahini Sauce) 8 corn tortillas Fresh cilantro, for garnish
Instructions Make the Crispy Breaded Cauliflower (about 40 minutes total; use the remaining time to complete the steps below.) If using purchased refried beans, taste and if needed, mix with 1/2 teaspoon cumin and/or a pinch or two kosher salt. (Or, you can make our Supremely Simple Refried Black Beans but for this recipe we preferred using storebought so we could focus on the cauliflower!) Thinly slice the red cabbage, enough for 2 cups. Mix it with 2 tablespoons lime juice and a pinch or two of salt. Allow it to stand at room temperature until serving. Make the Yum Yum Sauce. Warm the tortillas, or char them by placing them on grates above an open gas flame on medium heat for a few seconds per side, flipping with tongs, until they are slightly blackened and warm. To serve, place refried beans in a tortilla, top with cabbage, breaded cauliflower, Yum Yum sauce, and torn cilantro leaves. Serve with lime wedges to spritz prior to serving. (If you have leftover cauliflower, you can reheat them in a 350F oven for 10 minutes, flipping once.)

Keywords: Cauliflower Tacos, Easy Cauliflower Tacos, Vegetarian Tacos, Vegetarian Dinner Ideas, Vegan Dinner Ideas, Plant Based Dinner Ideas

A Couple Cooks - Healthy, Whole Food, Vegetarian Recipes

Crispy Breaded Cauliflower
Tue, 29 Jan 2019 06:00:04 PST

This crispy breaded cauliflower is salty, tangy, sweet, spicy, and crunchy all at once! It’s 100% plant based and 100% delicious.

Breaded Cauliflower | Crispy Cauliflower

How often do you eat meatless? Maybe for Meatless Mondays? Maybe vegan or vegetarian during the weekdays? More and more research is showing that not only is eating less meat good for physical health, it’s gentler on the planet too. Which, is why Alex and I started this website in the first place! Today we eat a mainly whole food plant based diet (most of the time, but we flex a little, too!). So, we’re always interested in new ways to make eating plants fun and exciting: like this crispy breaded cauliflower recipe.

Breaded Cauliflower | Crispy CauliflowerThe inspiration behind the recipe

When you eat a lot of veggies like Alex and I do, there’s a lot of room for creativity. Learning to cook vegetables in delicious ways has been a huge learning curve for us. But after 10+ years of cooking this way and writing a book about it, we now feel like experts. Still, there are millions of ideas yet to explore, like this baked and breaded cauliflower recipe. We are HUGE cauliflower fans, and we typically coat it in olive oil and roast it. We’ve never had a crispy breaded version at home.

Alex came up with an idea for a breaded cauliflower recipe that’s baked, not fried. I didn’t believe that he could do it baked, as I thought it would come out all soggy. Alex took it as a challenge and I said, go for it! He set about to make a baked and breaded cauliflower recipe that would be totally crispy and crunchy on the outside and tender on the inside.

And it turned out so, so delicious that I was instantly a believer! What I love about this recipe is that it is so many things at once: savory, tangy, sweet, and spicy. And, it really is crunchy after being baked, not fried! Your palate is simply overwhelmed by the complexity.

Breaded Cauliflower | Crispy CauliflowerHow to make breaded cauliflower

A few notes on the basic concept here. When you cut the cauliflower, make sure to cut it into large florets to make them easy to bake. Then, instead of mixing the cauliflower with olive oil like a typical roasted cauliflower recipe, you mix it with a heated mixture of peanut butter, soy, maple, and hot sauce, which helps the breading to stick. Then, you’ll add the breading: panko, cornmeal, and a bunch of spices. Using cornmeal here on Alex’s part was genius: it gives a big crunch to the cauliflower.

After you bake 30 minutes in a hot oven, it’s good to go! The cauliflower is best right out of the oven — though it still tastes crunchy after sitting for a while at room temp. If you refrigerate leftovers, however, the moisture in the refrigerator takes away the crunch.

Breaded Cauliflower | Crispy CauliflowerHow to serve this crispy cauliflower

OK, now the question: how to serve it? Because we loved this breaded cauliflower so much, we decided to make it into a few different recipes. Our favorite: this crispy cauliflower tacos recipe! And we’ve got another bowl meal coming soon. It’s a fantastic side dish or appetizer as well. If serving as an appetizer, you could add a drizzle of Yum Yum sauce or another sauce. Or, kids love this cauliflower with ketchup!

Cauliflower Tacos | Easy Cauliflower TacosLooking for cauliflower recipes?

Aside from this crispy cauliflower, here are a few of our favorite cauliflower recipes on A Couple Cooks:

Cauliflower Soup with Cozy Moroccan Spices Veggie Burrito Bowl with Cauliflower RiceTomato Coconut Cauliflower CurryGrilled Buffalo Cauliflower SandwichBuffalo Cauliflower with Blue Cheese DipRoasted Cauliflower and Apples with DillThis recipe is…

This crispy breaded cauliflower recipe is vegetarian, vegan, plant-based, and dairy-free. For gluten-free, use gluten-free panko and tamari.

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Breaded Cauliflower | Crispy Cauliflower
Crispy Breaded Cauliflower

1 Star (1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 1)

5 from 1 reviews

Author: Sonja Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 30 minutes Total Time: 40 minutes Yield: 4 Category: Side Dish Method: Baked Cuisine: American

This crispy breaded cauliflower is salty, tangy, sweet, and spicy all at once! It’s 100% plant based and 100% delicious.

Ingredients 1 medium head cauliflower (about 2 pounds whole) 1/2 cup panko breadcrumbs (use gluten free panko as necessary) 1/2 cup cornmeal 1 teaspoon cumin 1 teaspoon smoked paprika 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1/4 teaspoon turmeric 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt1 tablespoon coconut oil 1 tablespoon peanut butter 1 tablespoon maple syrup 2 tablespoons soy sauce (or tamari or coconut aminos) 1/2 tablespoon hot sauce
Instructions Preheat the oven to 400F. Chop the cauliflower into large florets. Place them in a large bowl. In a small bowl, mix together the panko, cornmeal, cumin, smoked paprika, garlic powder, turmeric, and kosher salt. In a small saucepan over medium heat, whisk together the coconut oil, peanut butter, maple syrup, soy sauce, and hot sauce until fully combined and slightly darkened, 1 to 2 minutes. Pour the sauce onto the cauliflower and stir several times until the cauliflower is well coated. Pour about 1/3 of the dry mixture into the bowl with the cauliflower and mix. Repeat twice to stir in the remaining dry mixture to coat all of the cauliflower. Then remove the breaded cauliflower from the bowl with your hands and place it onto a parchment lined baking sheet. About 1/2 of the crumbs will remain in the bowl; you can discard these. Bake the cauliflower for 30 minutes total, flipping the cauliflower with a spatula at the 15 minute mark. Serve immediately. If serving as an appetizer, you could add a drizzle of Yum Yum sauce or another sauce. Or, kids love them with ketchup! (If you have leftovers, you can reheat them in a 350F oven for 10 minutes, flipping once.)

Keywords: Breaded Cauliflower, Crispy Cauliflower

A Couple Cooks - Healthy, Whole Food, Vegetarian Recipes

A Sweet Pea Chef
Our Favorite Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes
Our Favorite Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes
Mon, 28 Jan 2019 22:28:53 +0000

Healthy slow cooker meals are easy to prep and the best solution for when you don’t have time to cook dinner, but want to surprise your family with a delicious meal every night.  I’ve gathered our family’s favorite slow cooker recipes all in one place for easy reference!

Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes | Healthy crockpot meals are easy to prep and the best solution for when you don’t have time to cook dinner but want to surprise your family with a delicious meal every night. | A Sweet Pea Chef

I HEART my slow cooker. It makes everything taste better. And the flavors – oh the flavors. They are just the best.

Another amazing thing about the slow cooker is that, in a matter of minutes, the prep step is done and you can let the slow cooker do its thing. 10 or 15 minutes of prep time max. Which means you can prep the ingredients, throw them in the slow cooker, and then forget about them for a few hours. You can even run errands, work, or spend time with your kids during these hours. Without having to check on your healthy crockpot meals once!

When the healthy crockpot meals are ready, you just have to transfer them from the slow cooker to a serving plate or bowl and enjoy them.

So easy, right?

These are all slow cooker healthy recipes. Since guilt-free delicious meals are all we want during busy weeknights, I’m happy to share this list of healthy crockpot dinners with you. It will allow you to save time cooking dinner and the recipes are great for meal prep too. Which means more easy healthy crockpot meals for your family.



Most healthy slow cooker recipes make easy healthy crockpot meals. You don’t have to spend hours prepping the ingredients or making sure everything is cooked perfectly. And you don’t need many tools either. A few kitchen tools are more than enough. In case you want to know what tools you need to make these healthy crockpot dinners, I made a list for you.

Let’s start with the obvious one – the magical slow cooker. If you want to make healthy crockpot meals low-carb, you’ll need a spiralizer for zucchini noodles. Some healthy slow cooker recipes require a little bit of prep. A food processor and a kitchen blender or an immersion blender are very helpful tools. Others require a little bit of cooking before throwing all the ingredients in the slow cooker. For this, you’ll need a large skillet. If you want to make delicious mashed potatoes in the slow cooker with little to no effort, you totally can. You’ll need a potato masher to make them smooth and creamy.

Slow Cooker Chicken Burrito Bowls | Delicious, healthy, and clean burrito bowls that use slow cooker shredded chicken and cauliflower rice | www.asweetpeachef.comSlow Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup | So delicious, easy, and healthy!


Healthy slow cooker recipes are easy. And you don’t have to struggle to get a delicious taste or amazing flavors. However, I have to share some tips that will make your healthy crockpot meals more delicious than they already are. Woot!

Use fresh ingredients – to make easy healthy crockpot meals flavorful, use fresh veggies and herbs. The taste and flavors will be better than if you’d use frozen ingredients. Prep the ingredients ahead of time – cut the meat, slice the veggies, cook some of the ingredients when required –  if you want to use these healthy slow cooker recipes for meal prep. Then all you have to do is to place the ingredients in the slow cooker and go on with your day. Not all slow cookers are the same so, when testing new slow cooker healthy recipes, make sure you adjust the time accordingly. For example, large slow cookers take longer to heat and to cook so keep that in mind when you try these healthy crockpot meals. Slow Cooker Split Pea Soup | Easy, protein-packed, and delicious! www.asweetpeachef.comHEALTHY SLOW COOKER DINNER IDEAS

These easy healthy crockpot recipes will make you fall in love with your slow cooker again. So be ready for some tasty and full of flavor healthy crockpot dinners that require only a few minutes of prep time. And, to make things easier for you, each recipe has the prep time, cook time, and calories listed.

Grab your slow cooker and let’s get started!


Slow Cooker Split Pea Soup | Easy, protein-packed, and delicious!

The easiest healthy crockpot recipes are soups. Soups like this delicious Healthy Slow Cooker Split Pea Soup that requires only 5 minutes of prep time.

Recipe Notes:

Prep Time: 5 mins Cook Time: 6 hrs Total Time: hrs 5 mins Difficulty: Easy Calories: 321 kcal

Get the recipe.


Large bowl filled with slow cooker chicken and zucchini noodles.

Another example of how easy healthy crockpot recipes are is this Slow Cooker Chicken Noodle Soup (A Healthy Meal Option!). 10 minutes prep time and you can enjoy this comforting soup for dinner.

Recipe Notes:

Prep Time: 10 mins Cook Time: 3 hrs Total Time: 3 hrs 10 mins Difficulty: Easy Calories: 172 kcal

Get the recipe.


Slow Cooker Chicken Burrito Bowls | Delicious, healthy, and clean burrito bowls that use slow cooker shredded chicken and cauliflower rice |

If you want delicious, hearty but healthy crockpot dinners, make Slow Cooker Chicken Burrito Bowls. It’s easy and it doesn’t take a low of effort but weeknight dinner will definitely be more delicious.

Recipe Notes:

Prep Time: 10 mins Cook Time: 6 hrs Total Time: 6 hrs 10 mins Difficulty: Easy Calories: 376 kcal

Get the recipe.


Crock Pot Chicken Enchilada Soup | Easy to make and perfect for a cold day! | A Sweet Pea Chef

When making slow cooker recipes healthy, you can actually transform comfort food dishes into healthy dishes. This is what I did with this Crock Pot Chicken Enchilada Soup. It’s still a flavorful and yummy dish. But it’s healthy too.

Recipe Notes:

Prep Time: 10 mins Cook Time: 4 hrs Total Time: 4 hrs 10 mins Difficulty: Easy Calories: 344 kcal

Get the recipe.


Bowl of slow cooker beef stew, filled with cooked yukon potatoes, sliced carrots, beef chunks, and sweet potatoes, with a spoon in it and ready to eat.

Other awesome easy healthy crockpot recipes I love are stew recipes. Rich, hearty, perfect for winter nights stews like this Healthy Slow Cooker Beef Stew. And yes, this is a Perfect Make Ahead Dinner Idea.

Recipe Notes:

Prep Time: 20 mins Cook Time: 6 hrs Total Time: 6 hrs 20 mins Difficulty: Easy Calories: 383 kcal

Get the recipe.


Crock Pot Mashed Potatoes | Such an easy dinner side, especially when the crock pot does all the work! | A Sweet Pea Chef

Another amazing thing you can do with a slow cooker is to turn classic recipes into skinny crockpot recipes. These Healthier Crock Pot Mashed Potatoes are a great example.

Recipe Notes:

Prep Time: 10 mins Cook Time: 4 hrs Total Time: 4 hrs 10 mins Difficulty: Easy Calories: 132 kcal

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View from the top of 4 meal prep containers filled with shredded chicken including a simple garlic and olive oil slow cooker shredded chicken, Slow Cooker Mexican Shredded Chicken, Slow Cooker BBQ Shredded Chicken, and Slow Cooker Buffalo Shredded Chicken.

The 4 easy healthy slow cooker recipes you’ll find in this Slow Cooker Shredded Chicken Meal Prep post are perfect for prepping and cooking chicken. You can use the shredded chicken in so many different recipes to make healthy and delicious meals.

Recipe Notes:

Prep Time: 10 mins Cook Time: 2 hrs 40 mins Total Time: 2 hrs 50 mins Difficulty: Easy Calories: 323 kcal

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Crock Pot Shredded Beef Tacos

How are you loving these easy healthy crockpot meals so far? I hope you love them a lot because I have more! And they are just as easy and delicious like these Crock Pot Shredded Beef Tacos.

Recipe Notes:

Prep Time: 5 mins Cook Time: 8 hrs Total Time: 8 hrs 5 mins Difficulty: Easy Calories: 458 kcal

Get the recipe.


35 Easy Weeknight Dinners - Slow Cooke Chile Verde Tacos

And, while we’re on the topic of tacos, make sure you try these Slow Cooker Green Chile Pork Tacos too. They are full of flavor and tasty but no guilt will be involved in the process of making or eating them.

Recipe Notes:

Prep Time: 15 mins Cook Time: 6 hrs Total Time: 6 hrs 15 mins Difficulty: Easy Calories: 562 kcal

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Slow Cooker Cashew Chicken | Better than takeout and way healthier for you, too!

Turn your favorite takeout meals into low calorie slow cooker recipes and enjoy them guilt free. Like you did with the tacos we just talked about. You can do this with Slow Cooker Cashew Chicken as well. Such a perfect weeknight dinner. Kids love it too.

Recipe Notes:

Prep Time: 10 mins Cook Time: 4 hrs Total Time: 4 hrs 10 mins Difficulty: Easy Calories: 518 kcal

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35 Easy Weeknight Dinners - Slow Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup

Going back to the slow cooker healthy recipes that make delicious soups to talk about this Slow Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup. The soup is made with fresh ingredients, it’s hearty, full of flavor, and totes amazing.

Recipe Notes:

Prep Time: 10 mins Cook Time: 6 hrs Total Time: 6 hrs 10 mins Difficulty: Easy Calories: 467 kcal

Get the recipe.


Hand with spoon scooping out some of the slow cooker chicken cauliflower curry from the bowl.

Do you know what other easy healthy crockpot meals you can make? Besides soups and stews, I mean.  Curry! You can make delicious curry in the slow cooker. This Slow Cooker Chicken Cauliflower Curry is a low calorie slow cooker recipe I love to make during cold Fall and Winter days.

Recipe Notes:

Prep Time: 5 mins Cook Time: 4 hrs Total Time: 4 hrs 5 mins Difficulty: Easy Calories: 313 kcal

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Slow Cooker Hot And Sour Soup | Easy, flavorful, and better than take-out! | A Sweet Pea Chef

Only 206 calories in this Slow Cooker Hot And Sour Soup. And just 10 minutes prep time. But the taste and flavors are wonderful. Healthy crockpot recipes are amazing like that!

Recipe Notes:

Prep Time: 10 mins Cook Time: 4 hrs 30 mins Total Time: 4 hrs 40 mins Difficulty: Easy Calories: 206 kcal

Get the recipe.

This post contains affiliate links for products I use frequently and highly recommend.

The post Our Favorite Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes appeared first on A Sweet Pea Chef.

Ambitious Kitchen
Vegetarian Plantain & Black Bean Taco Cups
Tue, 29 Jan 2019 10:00:00 +0000
Incredible Vegetarian Black Bean Taco Cups with black beans in a chili sauce, plantains, onions, jalapeño and melted manchego on top. Topped with a simple guacamole for the ultimate crowd-pleasing appetizer. This recipe is in partnership with BUSH’S®.

Incredible Vegetarian Black Bean Taco Cups with black beans in a chili sauce, plantains, onions, jalapeño and melted manchego on top. Topped with a simple guacamole for the ultimate crowd-pleasing appetizer. This recipe is in partnership with BUSH’S®. It’s almost that time! The BIG GAME. Game day. Beer. Nachos. Tom Brady. Gisele in the stands. Everything [...]

The post Vegetarian Plantain & Black Bean Taco Cups appeared first on Ambitious Kitchen.

Minimalist Baker
Easy 1-Pot Black Bean Soup
Tue, 29 Jan 2019 11:00:32 +0000
Easy 1-Pot Black Bean Soup

In college I subsisted on cafe lunches to power me through writing papers and studying for tests. Panera was a frequent stop of mine since they had salads and soups and SO much coffee. One of my go-to’s was their black bean soup and I’ve had it in the back of my mind to recreate it ever since.

Let me show you how easy this 1-pot, 30-minute version is!

Easy 1-Pot Black Bean Soup from Minimalist Baker →

from Merah Hati Cintaku