Tuesday, 31 July 2018

HFMD : Cegah Sebelum Terlambat

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.

Semakin merebak penyakit HFMD.

Penyakit tangan, kaki, dan mulut (HFMD) adalah jangkitan biasa yang disebabkan oleh sekumpulan virus. Ia biasanya bermula dengan demam dan rasa tidak sihat. Ini diikuti satu atau dua hari kemudian oleh bintik-bintik atau bintik-bintik berwarna yang rata yang mungkin melepuh, pada tangan, kaki, dan mulut, dan kadang-kadang di bahagian punggung dan pangkal paha.

Tanda-tanda dan gejala HFMD ini biasanya muncul 3-6 hari selepas terdedahnya kepada virus. Ruam secara umumnya hilang sendiri dalam masa seminggu. Kuku jari kaki dan kehilangan kaki kuku mungkin berlaku beberapa minggu kemudian, tetapi akan tumbuh semula selepas beberapa masa.

Virus yang menyebabkan HFMD tersebar adalah melalui hubungan yang rapat, melalui udara dari batu dan daripada orang yang dijangkiti. Objek yang tercemar juga boleh menyebarkan penyakit ini contohnya alat mainan kanak-kanak.

Selangor catat kes HFMD tertinggi

Penyakit HFMD adalah jangkitan yang selalu ada pada tahap rendah dalam populasi dalam kawasan geografi tertentu. Ia berkait rapat dengan kebersihan dan kebersihan di alam sekitar. Sesetengah orang mungkin membawa dan menyebarkan virus itu walaupun tidak mempunyai gejala penyakit. Haiwan lain tidak terlibat dan diagnosis sering dibuat berdasarkan gejala yang ditunjukkan.

Menteri Kesihatan Malaysia, Dr Dzulkefly memaklumkan daripada Januari tahun ini sehingga 29 Julai 2018, seramai 39,408 kes telah dilaporkan dengan Selangor mempunyai kes tertinggi.

Selangor mempunyai 11,669 kes, diikuti Kuala Lumpur (4,552), Sarawak (4,551) dan Kelantan (1,666), katanya. Kementerian juga bekerjasama dengan agensi-agensi lain mengenai kempen yang mengandungi kes-kes HFMD.

Cara elak penyakit HFMD

HFMD berlaku di semua kawasan di dunia. Ia sering berlaku dalam wabak kecil di sekolah-sekolah nurseri atau tadika. Wabak besar telah berlaku di Asia sejak tahun 1997. Ia biasanya berlaku pada bulan musim bunga, musim panas, dan musim gugur. Biasanya ia berlaku pada kanak-kanak kurang daripada lima tahun, tetapi kadang-kadang boleh berlaku pada orang dewasa.

HFMD tidak boleh dikelirukan dengan penyakit kaki dan mulut (juga dikenali sebagai penyakit kuku dan mulut) yang kebanyakannya memberi kesan kepada ternakan.

Cuci tangan boleh menghalang penyebaran dan mereka yang dijangkiti tidak boleh pergi ke tempat kerja, penjagaan anak, atau sekolah. Tiada ubat atau vaksin antiviral tersedia, tetapi usaha pembangunan sedang berjalan. Kebanyakan kes tidak memerlukan rawatan khusus.

Selalunya cairan intravena diberikan kepada kanak-kanak yang tidak dapat minum cukup.

Langkah mengawal dan cegah HFMD

Bagi memastikan keberkesanan langkah-langkah kawalan dan pencegahan yang diambil, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia ingin mengingatkan orang ramai bahawa:

    1. Langkah pencegahan terbaik adalah menjaga kebersihan diri dan persekitaran. Penularan jangkitan HFMD sangat berkait rapat dengan amalan kebersihan diri dan persekitaran di mana ia mudah berlaku di tempat sesak serta mutu kebersihan yang rendah.
    2. Ibu bapa atau penjaga perlu membawa kanak-kanak dengan gejala HFMD mendapatkan rawatan dan tidak membawa kanak-kanak tersebut ke tempat awam termasuk sekolah dan pusat jagaan kanak-kanak.
    3. Pengurus pusat jagaan kanak-kanak perlu menjalankan aktiviti pembersihan premis dan saringan terhadap kanak-kanak di bawah jagaan mereka sepertimana yang disarankan dalam ‘Pelan Tindakan Bersepadu Bagi Mencegah Dan Mengawal Penyakit Tangan, Kaki Dan Mulut’.

Bagi ibu bapa yang mempunyai atau perasan akan perubahan anak-anak mereka tentang gejala penyakit ini, segera berjumpa dengan doktor untuk rawatan lanjut. Perlu juga pengasingan sementara bagi mengelakkan ianya berjangkit dengan orang lain terutamanya di pusat asuhan kanak-kanak, sekolah dan kawasan umum.

from Denaihati – Blog Tips Kehidupan https://ift.tt/2M8tvwv
via Denaihati.com

Dr Mahathir ‘Guna’ Azmin Sekat Pengaruh Anwar?

Ketua Umum Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (dua, kiri) diiringi Menteri Besar Selangor Amiruddin Shari (tiga, kiri) bersama Calon Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) bagi Pilihan Raya Kecil N49 Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Sungai Kandis Mohd Zawawi Ahmad Mughni (kiri) pada majlis Tahlil Allahyarham Suhaimi Shafiei di kediaman keluarga Allahyarham hari ini.

Ketua Umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menolak spekulasi bahawa Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad sedang ‘menggunakan’ Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali untuk menyekat pengaruh beliau (Anwar) dalam kerajaan dan parti.

Bekas timbalan perdana menteri itu berkata, segala tindak tanduk Dr Mahathir tidak seharusnya diterjemah dalam konteks politik.

“Beliau (Dr Mahathir) punya hujahnya sendiri. Beliau memikirkan kepentingan negara dan institusi. Ketika saya berada dalam jawatan sudah tentu saya perlu tentukan keutamaan saya dan cara saya,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas menghadiri majlis tahlil bekas Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Sungai Kandis, Allahyarham Mat Shuhaimi Shafiei di sini malam ini.

Menurut Anwar, Dr Mahathir seharusnya diberi kebebasan untuk mentadbir negara.

Anwar bagaimanapun mengakui, sukar untuk menghalang mana-mana pihak daripada memberikan pelbagai interpretasi berhubung sesuatu perkara.

“Dari segi menyekat peranan saya, pengaruh saya, secara jujur, saya tidak risau. Saya tahu kekuatan parti saya dan hubungan saya dengan rakan-rakan gabungan (PH),” katanya.

Semalam, Mohamed Azmin yang merupakan Menteri Hal Ehwal Ekonomi menolak dakwaan bahawa Dr Mahathir sedang menggunakan beliau untuk ‘mengawal’ Anwar.

Dalam temu ramah bersama sebuah portal berita, Timbalan Presiden PKR itu menegaskan bahawa kesetiaannya pada ketua umum parti itu tidak sepatutnya dipersoalkan.

Spekulasi membabitkan Mohamed Azmin timbul selepas perdana menteri melantik beliau sebagai Menteri Hal Ehwal Ekonomi meskipun telah mengangkat sumpah sebagai Menteri Besar Selangor untuk penggal kedua.

Dalam perkembangan lain, ketika ditanya mengenai khabar angin berhubung pertandingan jawatan presiden dalam pemilihan PKR pada Ogos ini, Anwar berkata ia masih belum disahkan secara rasmi setakat ini.

“Desas-desus itu banyak, kita boleh dengar tetapi tidak boleh layan desas-desus sehingga sah. Mohamed Azmin ada jumpa saya di Istanbul dan berbincang secara umum beberapa perkara tetapi tidak pula berbangkit soal ini.

“Belum sah ada pertandingan atau tidak… kalau pun ada pertandingan kita harus hormati prinsip dan etika. Saya percaya Jawatankuasa Pemilihan PKR akan memastikan perkara ini dipatuhi,” katanya. - Bernama

from Sehinggit Media News https://ift.tt/2v39PDG

from Merah Hati Cintaku https://ift.tt/2KfGeLT
via MerahHatiCintaku.blogspot.com

From TripAdvisor, a Program to Help Refugees Get to Know the U.S.

By SHIVANI VORA from NYT Travel https://ift.tt/2M8wsNs

from Merah Hati Cintaku https://ift.tt/2O13Vdr
via MerahHatiCintaku.blogspot.com

Cheesy BBQ Chicken Stuffed Zucchini Boats

Ambitious Kitchen
Cheesy BBQ Chicken Stuffed Zucchini Boats

Delicious, low carb bbq chicken stuffed zucchini boats topped with cheddar cheese. These flavorful, easy zucchini boats are a great way to use leftover chicken and make the perfect weeknight dinner! Welcome to Day 2 of #AKZucchiniWeek 2018! The past week I’ve been nonstop listening to Demi Lovato (thinking of her), making double batches of [...]

The post Cheesy BBQ Chicken Stuffed Zucchini Boats appeared first on Ambitious Kitchen.

A Couple Cooks
Instant Pot Thai Sweet Potatoes with Peanut Drizzle

Looking for vegetarian Instant Pot recipes? These Instant Pot Thai sweet potatoes are a simple, delicious and colorful way to dinner.

Instant Pot Thai Sweet Potatoes | A Couple Cooks

If you read our last post, you’ll know: Alex and I were very skeptical of the Instant Pot. Anything that’s trendy turns on our skeptic meter, so we avoided anything Instant Pot or electric pressure cooker for years. We finally decided to give it a try when we found a friend who cooked sweet potatoes in it religiously: and turns out it cooks rice and dried beans too. Perhaps it would give our rice cooker a run for its money? After trying it several times, we found the Instant Pot cooks sweet potatoes in less time than baking and it’s totally hands off. So, we decided the Instant Pot wasn’t so evil after all! And dumped our rice cooker to make space. This healthy sweet potatoes recipe with Thai slaw and a peanut drizzle is our idea on how to use those Instant Pot sweet potatoes — keep reading for the recipe.

Instant Pot Thai Sweet Potatoes | A Couple Cooks

How to cook sweet potatoes?

Here’s our method for how to cook sweet potatoes in an Instant Pot: they come out with a moist and velvety interior.  Of course, you could bake the sweet potatoes if you don’t have an electric pressure cooker! We’ve included baking instructions in the recipe below as well. How long to cook sweet potatoes? Our method for Instant Pot sweet potatoes takes 35 minutes total, including preheat time and natural release time. For this Thai sweet potatoes recipe, you can make the Thai slaw and peanut drizzle in the time it takes to cook the sweet potatoes!

In terms of vegetarian Instant Pot recipes, this one is naturally gluten free and vegan as well! It’s healthy, colorful, and delicious — we served it to our neighbors and they couldn’t believe how flavorful it was. This one’s also a great Back to School recipe, since school will be starting up in a few weeks!

Instant Pot Thai Sweet Potatoes | A Couple Cooks

What are other vegetarian Instant Pot recipes?

Another hangup about the Instant Pot for us was that we thought it was mainly helpful for cooking meat quickly. Since we eat mainly vegetarian on a daily basis, we were interested in vegetarian Instant Pot recipes. This Instant Pot Thai sweet potatoes recipe is our first vegetarian Instant Pot recipe, but we’re hoping to do many more! We’ve already been experimenting with rice, quinoa, and cooking dried beans. Look for more of these to come!

If you’re in the market for an Instant Pot, here’s the Instant Pot we use.

What about you?

We’d love to hear from you: do you have an Instant Pot? If so, what are your favorite recipes to cook in an Instant Pot? What works, and what doesn’t work? Have you found recipes where the flavors shine, or is it like a slow cooker where flavors and textures can tend to get muddy? Do you find it’s helpful for making components like rice and dried beans? Are you looking for vegetarian Instant Pot recipes? Or have you not tried it at all — are you an Instant Pot skeptic like we were?

Looking for more healthy sweet potato recipes?

Here are a few other healthy sweet potato recipes from A Couple Cooks:

Broccoli Cheese Stuffed Sweet PotatoesMoroccan Sweet Potatoes with Lemon Tahini DressingThis recipe is…

This Instant Pot Thai sweet potatoes recipe is vegetarian, gluten-free, vegan, plant based, dairy free, naturally sweet, and refined sugar free.

Instant Pot Thai Sweet Potatoes | A Couple Cooks

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Instant Pot Thai Sweet Potatoes | A Couple Cooks
Instant Pot Thai Sweet Potatoes with Peanut Drizzle

1 Star (1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 1)

5 from 1 reviews

Author: Sonja Prep Time: 20 minutes Cook Time: 15 minutes Total Time: 35 minutes Yield: 4 to 6 servings Category: Main Dish Method: Pressure Cooker Cuisine: Thai

Looking for vegetarian Instant Pot recipes? These Instant Pot Thai sweet potatoes are a simple and healthy meatless meal that’s a colorful way to dinner.


4 medium to large sweet potatoes (10 to 12 ounces each)

For the Thai slaw

1/4 red cabbage (3 cups shredded)1/2 red bell pepper 1/2 yellow bell pepper1 green onion1/4 cup chopped cilantro2 tablespoons fresh lime juice (1 lime)1/4 teaspoon kosher saltCrushed peanuts, for the garnish

For the peanut drizzle

1/3 cup peanut butter2 tablespoons soy sauce2 tablespoons lime juice (1 lime)1 teaspoon maple syrup2 tablespoons water

Cook the sweet potatoes using our Instant Pot Sweet Potatoes recipe. (This will take 35 minutes total; make the remainder of the recipe during this time!)*

Make the Thai slaw: Thinly slice the red cabbage, enough for 3 cups shredded. Thinly slice the red and yellow bell peppers and green onion. Chop the cilantro. In a large bowl, mix together the cabbage, peppers, green onion and cilantro with the lime juice and kosher salt.

Make the peanut drizzle: In a small bowl, whisk together the peanut butter, soy sauce, lime juice, maple syrup, and water. Taste and add a bit of kosher salt if desired (this depends on the salt content of the peanut butter).

To serve: Slice the sweet potatoes in half and top them with the Thai slaw. Drizzle with the peanut drizzle and sprinkle with chopped peanuts.


Alternative method: To bake the sweet potatoes, preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C) and line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Put the sweet potatoes on the lined baking sheet and prick each several times with a fork. Bake for 45 to 60 minutes, until fork-tender.

Keywords: Vegetarian Instant Pot Recipes, Instant Pot, Instant Pot Recipes, Vegetarian, Gluten Free, Vegan, Thai, Sweet Potatoes, Dairy Free, Healthy

A Couple Cooks - Recipes for Healthy & Whole Living

from Merah Hati Cintaku https://ift.tt/2AvrBVm
via MerahHatiCintaku.blogspot.com

Places 26 and 27: Summer in France, in Two Very Different Ways

By JADA YUAN from NYT Travel https://ift.tt/2Ou6V2V

from Merah Hati Cintaku https://ift.tt/2ApTu0T
via MerahHatiCintaku.blogspot.com

Five Places to Shop in New Orleans

By YONA ZELDIS McDONOUGH from NYT Travel https://ift.tt/2vo03v4

from Merah Hati Cintaku https://ift.tt/2mX0KYH
via MerahHatiCintaku.blogspot.com

Gobo Salad (Burdock Root Salad)ごぼうサラダ


Gobo Salad (Burdock Root & Carrot Salad with Sesame Dressing) in Japanese bizen ceramic bowl.

How easy is it to buy gobo (burdock root) at your local Japanese or Asian grocery store? I received requests for gobo recipes from JOC readers, and today I’ll share Gobo Salad recipe that’s refreshing and delicious. I used my homemade Japanese mayo to make this dish!

What’s Gobo?

Gobo is burdock root.

Gobo Salad (Burdock Root & Carrot Salad with Sesame Dressing) in Japanese bizen ceramic bowl.


Gobo Salad (Burdock Root & Carrot Salad with Sesame Dressing) in Japanese bizen ceramic bowl.


Gobo Salad (Burdock Root & Carrot Salad with Sesame Dressing) in Japanese bizen ceramic bowl.

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The post Gobo Salad (Burdock Root Salad)ごぼうサラダ appeared first on Just One Cookbook.

from Merah Hati Cintaku https://ift.tt/2Ati2q0
via MerahHatiCintaku.blogspot.com

Monday, 30 July 2018

How to Make Homemade Salad Dressing + 5 Healthy Salad Dressing Recipes

A Sweet Pea Chef
How to Make Homemade Salad Dressing + 5 Healthy Salad Dressing Recipes
How to Make Homemade Salad Dressing + 5 Healthy Salad Dressing Recipes

Wanting to eat healthier and enjoy more salads?  Try these 5 easy and heathy salad dressing recipes plus get tips for how to make homemade salad dressing!  You’ll never buy the store-bought stuff again!

How to Make Homemade Salad Dressing + 5 Healthy Salad Dressing Recipes | Wanting to eat healthier?  Try these 5 easy and heathy salad dressing recipes plus get tips for how to make homemade salad dressing!  You'll never buy the store-bought stuff again! | A Sweet Pea Chef

I’m such a fan of homemade salads — they’re easy to make, great for meal prep (looking at you, Mason Jar Salads!), filling, and super tasty!

When it comes to salad dressings, there are so many different options and flavors, sometimes, I even find it difficult to pick one to put on my salad. So, I’m sharing with you not just one, not two, but 5 of my current faves!

One of the biggest annoyances about starting to eat healthy is the misinformation out there about store-bought salad dressings.  Sadly, there are so many unhealthy and unnecessary ingredients in most store-bought salad dressings.  This is a great example of what’s so important to pay attention and read the labels because there are hidden sugars, salts, fats, and other chemicals that can easily be avoided by making your own salad dressing at home.  More on that in this post.


While it may seem like there are a TON of salad dressing types out there, try to think of it like there are actually two basic types of salad dressings. First off, we have vinaigrettes, which are simple salad dressings based on the mixture of oil and vinegar. The other type is made up of creamy salad dressings, which often use mayonnaise or other milk products, such as yogurt or sour cream as the base.

Overhead of different salad dressings options, which include lemon vinaigrette, Honey mustard, Avocado Dressing, Greek Yogurt Ranch Dressing, and Sesame Ginger Dressing.


Ever wondered what makes it a vinaigrette?  Well, a vinaigrette is made by mixing oil with something acidic. In most cases, it’s either vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice.

When it comes to the kind of oil, you can use pretty much any tasty oil you like. I love using olive oil that is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances. Once you’ve got your base, feel free to add herbs and spices for some extra flavor.

Samples of salad dressing containers for how to store salad dressings.


You made extra? No worries! Whether you made a vinaigrette or a creamy salad dressing, you can safely store it in the fridge and use throughout the week.  This makes homemade salads way easy!

When storing homemade salad dressing, make sure you transfer it to a glass jar and cover it with a tight lid before placing in the fridge. Glass is a much better choice for storing your homemade salad dressing than plastic containers, so go get those mason jars!

Homemade greek yogurt ranch dressing in mixing bowl.


When stored properly, in a glass jar with a tight lid, homemade salad dressing can easily last up to a week in the fridge. If you’ve made a vinaigrette, even up to two weeks which makes salads and homemade salad dressings a great choice for your meal prep.  Make sure to store any dairy-based salad dressings in the refrigerator so they don’t spoil.

5 Healthy Salad Dressing Recipes

Try these 5 easy and heathy salad dressing recipes plus get tips for how to make homemade salad dressing!  Recipes include lemon vinaigrette, Honey mustard, Avocado Dressing, Greek Yogurt Ranch Dressing, Sesame Ginger Dressing

1. Lemon Vinaigrette – This Lemon Vinaigrette has a combo of lemon and honey and is so vibrant, tart, and sweet all at the same time.  So good! [GET THE RECIPE.

Lemon Vinaigrette – This Lemon Vinaigrette has a combo of lemon and honey and is so vibrant, tart, and sweet all at the same time.  So good!

2. Honey Mustard Dressing – This Honey Mustard Dressing is so dang good and only requires 4 simple ingredients. [GET THE RECIPE.]  

Honey Mustard Dressing – This Honey Mustard Dressing is so dang good and only requires 4 simple ingredients.

3. Avocado Dressing – This Avocado Dressing is my go-to for cobb salads and is so creamy and delicious.  [GET THE RECIPE.]  

This Avocado Dressing is my go-to for cobb salads and is so creamy and delicious.

4. Greek Yogurt Ranch Dressing – This Greek Yogurt Ranch Dressing is a cool, creamy, and tangy ranch dressing you can feel good about.  [GET THE RECIPE.]  

Greek Yogurt Ranch Dressing – This Greek Yogurt Ranch Dressing is a cool, creamy, and tangy ranch dressing you can feel good about. 

5. Sesame Ginger Dressing – I love this Sesame Ginger Dressing because the flavors are so vibrant and delicious.  

A single glass container holding Sesame Ginger Dressing as an example of Healthy Salad Dressing, which is next to the fresh ginger root.

Sesame Ginger Dressing

I love this Sesame Ginger Dressing because the flavors are so vibrant and delicious.  

1/2 cup olive oil 1/4 cup rice vinegar 2 tbsp low sodium soy sauce 2 cloves garlic 2 tbsp fresh ginger, (peeled) 1 tbsp peanut butter ((can also use almond butter or tahini)) 1 tbsp raw honey 1/2 tsp sesame oil

In a blender, combine all the ingredients.

Blend until smooth and fully pureed. 

Can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 1 week.

This post contains affiliate links for products I use often and highly recommend.

The post How to Make Homemade Salad Dressing + 5 Healthy Salad Dressing Recipes appeared first on A Sweet Pea Chef.

A Couple Cooks
How to Cook Sweet Potatoes in an Instant Pot (Pressure Cooker)
Here’s how to cook sweet potatoes in an Instant Pot — it’s a simple and quick method for perfectly cooked sweet potatoes!

Confession: cooking with an Instant Pot is not something I ever expected to do. Alex and I are wary of adding new gadgets to our kitchen–and especially things that seem trendy! We want to know that a gadget will be useful in the long term before we’ll commit to hollowing out some cabinet space. So we were on the fence for years until a friend mentioned you can make all sorts of vegetarian Instant Pot recipes: like using an Instant Pot to cook sweet potatoes, grains, and dried beans. Since we eat vegetarian for most meals (and lots of sweet potato recipes!), we thought we’d give it a try. Still skeptical, we put in the raw sweet potatoes…and poof: out came perfectly moist sweet potatoes with little effort and faster than an oven! It’s now our go to method for cooking sweet potatoes. And we got rid of our rice cooker to make space for the Instant Pot! So without further ado, here’s how to cook sweet potatoes in an Instant Pot — first a video, then scroll down for the recipe! Watch the video below >>

What’s an Instant Pot?

An Instant Pot is basically a programmable pressure cooker. The one we have is Instant Pot brand: here’s the Instant Pot we have. However, there are many other brands of electric pressure cookers. The concept is to cook foods at high pressure, which dramatically cuts down on cooking time.

How to Cook Sweet Potatoes in an Instant Pot (Pressure Cooker) | A Couple Cooks

Why cook sweet potatoes in a pressure cooker?

Cooking sweet potatoes in an electric pressure cooker has a few advantages over baking them. First, it’s a bit quicker: baking sweet potatoes takes nearly 1 hour when accounting for the oven preheat and 45 minute cook time, whereas it takes about 35 minutes total in the Instant Pot. Also, the sweet potatoes come out perfect every time, with a perfectly moist, velvety interior. Finally, cooking sweet potatoes in a pressure cooker is totally hands off: which is helpful since baking requires more steps (rubbing with oil, S&P, checking for doneness, etc). How to cook sweet potatoes in an Instant Pot? Keep reading!

How long does it take to cook sweet potatoes in the Instant Pot?

The cook time for pressure cooking sweet potatoes in an Instant Pot is 16 minutes. Wait, 16 minutes?! That’s what I thought — until I learned that the Instant Pot requires about 10 minutes for “preheating” and then about 10 minutes for “cooling down”. The cooling down process is called Natural Release, when the pressure cooker releases the steam inside naturally. So the total time for this recipe is 35 minutes. Pretty good compared to about 1 hour for baked sweet potatoes! The timing for how to cook sweet potatoes in an Instant Pot does depend on the size of the potatoes: this recipe is for medium to large potatoes, about 10 to 12 ounces each. For very large sweet potatoes, use a few more minutes (18 minutes); smaller potatoes could use less time (about 14 minutes).

How to Cook Sweet Potatoes in an Instant Pot (Pressure Cooker) | A Couple Cooks

What are other vegetarian Instant Pot recipes?

When we first heard about the Instant Pot, we thought it was mainly helpful for cooking meat quickly. However, since we’ve learned that it’s helpful for vegetarian recipes too, we’re starting to build up some vegetarian Instant Pot recipes. For example, you can make rice, quinoa, dried beans, dried chickpeas, mashed potatoes, and even soups. But before that, we’ve created a special recipe that uses this method (below). What other vegetarian Instant Pot recipes would you like to see?

Instant Pot Thai Sweet Potatoes (coming tomorrow!)

How to Cook Sweet Potatoes in an Instant Pot (Pressure Cooker) | A Couple Cooks

Looking for more sweet potato recipes?

Here are a few other sweet potato recipes from A Couple Cooks where you could use this Instant Pot sweet potatoes recipe instead of baking!

Moroccan Sweet Potatoes with Lemon Tahini DressingBroccoli Cheese Stuffed Sweet PotatoesThis recipe is…

This Instant Pot sweet potatoes recipe is vegetarian, gluten-free, vegan, plant based, dairy free, naturally sweet, and refined sugar free.

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How to Cook Sweet Potatoes in an Instant Pot (Pressure Cooker) | A Couple Cooks
How to Cook Sweet Potatoes in an Instant Pot (Pressure Cooker)

1 Star (1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 1)

5 from 1 reviews

Author: Sonja Prep Time: 20 minutes Cook Time: 15 minutes Total Time: 35 minutes Yield: 4 Category: Main Dish, Side Dish Method: Pressure Cooker Cuisine: American

Here’s how to cook sweet potatoes in an Instant Pot — it’s a simple and quick method for perfectly cooked sweet potatoes!


4 medium to large sweet potatoes (about 10 to 12 ounces each)


Place the stainless steel trivet into the Instant Pot / pressure cooker. Add 1 cup of water.

Scrub the sweet potatoes. Place the sweet potatoes onto the stainless steel trivet, stacking them as necessary.

Lock the lid. Place the pressure release handle (vent) in the “Sealing” position.

Press the Pressure Cook button, making sure the “High Pressure” setting is selected. Set the time for 16 minutes (or 14 minutes for smaller sweet potatoes).

Wait while the Instant Pot cooks. It takes about 10 minutes for the pot to “preheat” and come up to pressure before it starts cooking. Once the cooking starts, the minutes on the display will start to count down, then the pot will beep when the cooking is complete. (Note: During cooking, avoid touching the metal part of the lid.)

Use the Natural Release method and wait another 10 minutes to let the pot cool down naturally (set a timer; you’ll notice the minutes on the display also increase). Then vent any remaining steam by moving the pressure release handle to “Venting”, covering your hand with a towel or hot pad. Never put your hands or face near the steam release valve when releasing steam. (The pressure indicator may also drop automatically on its own after 10 minutes, in which case no steam will be built up when you remove the lid.)

Open the lid and carefully remove the hot sweet potatoes. Serve the sweet potatoes immediately, or store in the fridge for 3 to 4 days in an airtight container.


IMPORTANT: Read and abide by all safety precautions in your Instant Pot / pressure cooker manual.

Keywords: Instant Pot, Instant Pot Recipes, Pressure Cooker, Pressure Cooker Recipes, Sweet Potatoes, How to Cook Sweet Potatoes, Pressure Cooking

A Couple Cooks - Recipes for Healthy & Whole Living

Minimalist Baker
Cheesy Spaghetti Squash Pasta
Cheesy Spaghetti Squash Pasta

So you’ve probably had cheesy pasta. And you’ve had spaghetti squash pasta. But have you had Cheesy Spaghetti Squash Pasta?! If not, it’s time!

This 9-ingredient recipe starts with roasted spaghetti squash.

I typically cut my spaghetti squash in half and roast it using this method. But I wanted to try Beth’s method of slicing it in rings before baking to achieve longer noodles. I’m happy to report that both work well, so do whichever is easiest for you!

Cheesy Spaghetti Squash Pasta from Minimalist Baker →

Ambitious Kitchen
Chunky Monkey Zucchini Banana Muffins
Healthy zucchini banana muffins packed with shredded zucchini, banana, heart-healthy walnuts, coconut and dark chocolate chips. These delicious muffins pack in both fruits and veggies, making them the perfect healthy snack! Freezer-friendly and a great way to use up zucchini!

Healthy zucchini banana muffins packed with shredded zucchini, banana, heart-healthy walnuts, coconut and dark chocolate chips. These delicious muffins pack in both fruits and veggies, making them the perfect healthy snack! Freezer-friendly and a great way to use up zucchini! Happy #AKZucchiniWeek 2018! This is my 3rd year of doing zucchini week on the blog [...]

The post Chunky Monkey Zucchini Banana Muffins appeared first on Ambitious Kitchen.

from Merah Hati Cintaku https://ift.tt/2mStx0l
via MerahHatiCintaku.blogspot.com